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Oldcastle OneLift Pump Station

A Prepackaged Solution for Great Neck's Steamboat Pump Station

Great Neck Water Pollution Control District is currently working to resolve a common issue being faced by wastewater municipalities, aging infrastructure. As part of this work, they are replacing several outdated dry pit pumping stations with modern submersible pump stations. 

For their Steamboat Pump Station, they were faced with several project constraints early in the design phase which led them to search for an alternative approach to the traditional curried-in-place concrete pump station design. The biggest constraint was that their project site was very tight and room for excavation was limited. Additionally, a high-water table and a need for a deep wet well led to significant concerns regarding the dewatering effort and maintaining this effort over a long period. To eliminate these concerns, the district looked to Oldcastle Infrastructures OneLift prepackaged Pump Station solution. 

With an all-in-one design, consolidating the wet well and valve vault into one structure, the district could avoid the need for a large excavation. Furthermore, with the pre-cast structure, the installation time was reduced from weeks to a single day. Eliminating the need for sustained dewatering and providing a much safer work environment, reducing the time workers needed to spend in the excavation. Additionally, the overall duration of the project was decreased with the pre-assembly of the station taking place offsite in a controlled factory environment. 

Post installation, the district can rest assured that the new Steamboat pump station will operate as intended for many years to come as a turnkey package from one supplier with a strong quality assurance and product warranty.